i am someone you'd like to know

more about. ask me anything.

***UPDATED: Please see note below. 1***


One of the best purchases I ever made was a boardgame called "Loaded Questions", which came with two very large decks of questions. It's a pretty silly name, mellowdramatic at the very least. I find questions to be a wonderfully skilled at allowing people an opportunity to step outside of the identities we spend most of our time trying to maintain. Here are 10 picked at random, click on a question of your choice and send me an email to ask the question and I will be sure to answer it. P.S. Did you know that there exists a specific series of questions which can encourage people to fall in love? Crazy.


What would you title your autobiography?

It is here that I finally learn the meaning of the phrase, "the book has yet to be written". It's premature to rule out that I could still do something that would warrent naming a book something like, "My Expirements With Truth". Published today, an idea from Alan Watts might do: "Pick Pocketing My Own Watch and Showing it to Myself". If this about page has anything to say about it, it would probably be a book of questions that the reader would be forced to ask me.

What color best defines the mood you are in right now?

This moment, Friday, January 23rd, at 2:40AM CST, I'm feeling an intensly calm purple. A lot happned in just the past few hours. Prior to that I was yellow because the Grateful Dead are reuniting and playing in Chicago and that is great news. Case in point though, a few hours ago I was listening to this, and just prior to writing this sentence I was listing to this. But by the grace of writing the answer to this very question, I'm back to the first, and the color now is a sort of warm yellow with a hint of brown. Sort of like a the fur a lion. Wait! Songs changning. It's here now. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

In a word, how would you describe God?

The answer's in the question.

What is the scariest movie you've ever seen?

Requim for a Dream

If you could choose any one person as your dinner guest, who would you choose?

Neem Karoli Baba

What is the hardest thing for you to do?

To love myself as profoundly as love itself.

Who is one person I wish I had never met?

I came into the world with a great deal of forgiveness, and a sense that even those people who cause you trouble have contributed something substantial to the person you've become. So I was stunned to find out that I did in fact have an answer to this question. I'm not angry with this person, they didn't do me wrong, but I also can't think of one thing I gained from the trouble that came from having had this person in my life. Clearly the Internet isn't the place to broadcast such things, but if you email me, I'll be happy to give you the details. It's not even that crazy a story. When you hear it you'll say, "That's it?", and I'll say, "Yeah. I know."

Whose ideas totally conflict with yours?

Oooooooooo. That's an interesting one. I'll have to think on that. That's a good one though, I'm glad you asked.

What trend simply baffles you?

Facebook. I don't get it. There was something about Friendster and My Space that I got. But I just don't get Facebook.

If you were directing a movie, who would you cast as your leading man and woman?

Emily Watson and Austin Pendleton (or David Strathairn).

Anything else.

(To ask me something, click on the above link which may or may not open an email for you depending on whether you use a mail application or a browser). I will post the question and answer here.

  1. ^ Ah. Yes. About this. I had what I felt was a wonderfully clever idea to avoid talking about myself, which was to turn things on their heads a bit and create the opposite of an about page, a question page of sorts. The idea was that there would be questions but these questions would be links that opened up emails the subject line of which would be the question. This also excited me because it appeared to be an artistic way to use one of the raw features of HTML. Well, this was all very well and good until I showed it to two of my friends who wrote back to tell me that the links didn't work. I pulled up the page, and they were opening up new emails on my computer with the subject line as expected. It was then that it occurred to me that a very large number of people get their email through their browser. After I explained the concept to my friend she said, very matter of factly, something to the effect of, "Oh, I see. That does sound interesting. I think it would be interesting if you answered the questions." To which I could only reply; ah so, thank you.